Let’s talk about how reel views may or may not be affecting your bottom line...

We’ll tell ya all of our data from the last 30 days of Reels Challenge we conducted (and we’re holding NOTHING back!)

Snag your seat

Thursday, March 3rd at 12:00 pm EST

Replay Available

What are we talking about?

Our team spent the last 30 days conducting a reels challenge on Instagram to see if it was worth the hype…

Our hypothesis was that it wasn’t, that we didn’t need reels to grow, and that it wouldn’t truly affect our bottom line. 

Did that come true? Totally.

And now we’re giving you the raw, unadulterated data to decide whether or not you need to adopt a reels challenge into your marketing strategy or if there’s a different way for you to grow, connect, and convert on Instagram.

Are we giving away our strategy?

Basically, yep!

You get the inside look:

  • We are giving you the opportunity to take an insider’s look at what we did during the reels challenge
  • How much time we spent on the challenge per day (two reels per day, five days a week was quite a challenge while running a 6-figure business, but we wanted the data for ya!) 
  • How we worked trending sounds into our strategy
  • Transitions and whether they were needed
  • How reels performed with covers and without covers
  • How reels performed with 8-10 hashtags versus 30 hashtags versus no hashtags at all
  • What our numbers were like during the challenge versus previous data from previous months
  • How many new followers we welcomed in that were ACTUALLY qualified as potential leads versus just normal people (you’ll be SHOOK by these numbers, especially in comparison to how many people we blocked!)

Are you drooling yet? 

Cause me, too. I love marketing data because it tells the truth about a strategy per brand versus an overall, cookie-cutter strategy (which is actually what the 30 days of reels challenge is if you look at it with a marketer’s eye!) 

The best part? We’re giving a rundown of how to take action with your marketing and sales strategy to see connections and conversions now versus waiting for views from your reels to convert to a paying client. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like waiting and hoping for new customers and clients…I like knowing, connecting, and converting! 

Imagine if...

  1. You could truly choose a marketing and sales strategy that works for you instead of shimmying over to the latest trend each time
  2. You could decipher whether or not a trend needs to be adopted or if you can let it go and continue to focus on what’s already working while considering if that trend belongs
  3. You could get very clear on what works for your brand versus constantly being swept into a stress cycle around all of the pieces you’re maybe missing in your marketing and sales strategy (ya know, FOMO is definitely a stress-inducer, but if you’re comfortable with your efforts and actions…you won’t get distracted too often!) 

This is all possible and it’s what our 6-figure, multi 6-figure, and 7-figure clients are focused on…none of them are focused on reel challenges and switching up their whole marketing strategy based on trends.

This is what we teach our clients,

peep the vibes below:

You’ll be getting the data from the challenge and the rundown of a strategy that we use regularly to connect with our ideal clients and convert them into real clients (ya know, instead of reel views since those don’t create impact or income!)

Wanna know why I truly created this masterclass?

  • I teach our cheetahlicious clients to stay focused on their marketing and sales strategies that connect them back to their overall business strategy. Reels aren’t a business strategy; they’re a potential tool to use, but not the whole toolbox. Our clients know that and now after running through this challenge myself, I knew you might need to hear that reels as a tool can be used or set back down in the toolbox for a later date.
  • I would rather teach you some of the foundational marketing and sales techniques, practices, and methodologies that helped us reach 6-figures in revenue in 17 months. 
  • I would rather teach you a bit about what it means to have a longer vision than a reel going viral. 
  • I would rather teach you how to streamline your marketing and sales processes into an action-plan that embraces trends only if they’re right for the brand versus feeling pressured to go with the crowd and be swept in instead of standing out.

A little loving reminder to the visionary CEO that’s feeling like EVERY new trend needs to be adopted before seeing real business growth…

…We started this brand in May 2020, a few months into a global pandemic, and built it to reach 6-figures in revenue in 17 months. I left the marketing agency I was working at, as the Marketing Strategist, to build this brand. 

We know the power of developing a business, marketing, and sales strategy that creates a major influence and impression in the busyness of the online space. 

We’ve helped over 50+ clients since being in business, most all of them women-owned businesses, and we’re even globally known with clients existing in other countries beyond our own. 

We know how to craft a simplistic marketing and sales strategy for women-owned businesses at every stage. 

Are you ready to develop your strategy and learn whether or not you need reels to do so?