Ready for the masterclass that helps you own your content creation and DM connections like…yesterday?

I like teaching powerful women how to connect to other powerful women through social media to make total power moves in the online biz space.

You already follow me on social media, right? You see the content I dish out and I hear things like this all of the time:

In this masterclass we’re going to chat through some of the Cheetahlicious Content framework that I’ve used to help myself and my clients close deals in the four-five figure range (usually without discovery calls!)

A quick note though…this isn’t one of those masterclasses that you can listen to while you do other things.

This masterclass requires you to be engaged and interactive all while having your notebook out with your goals at the forefront of your mind!

  • Cheetahlicious Content Framework with a side of goal-planning (because you can’t GO if you don’t know where you’re going…)
  • Cheetahlicious Connection with an action plan that you can walk away with and apply that day (we’re crafting your connection plan together based on YOU!)
  • Cheetahlicious Conversion to move you from “I don’t know how to start conversations” to “okay, I can totally do that today, Ash!” (this is the best one and it comes with a little extra somethin’ somethin’ if you attend live!)  
  • “I post whenever I can”
  • “I post whenever I’m inspired, pre-planning feels inauthentic”
  • “I think I’m posting the right stuff, but not really sure how to know??”
  • “I like my biz friends posts regularly and they’ll hire me when they’re ready…”
  • “I scroll through my feed and timeline and like the last few posts so they see me and my new post, too!”
  • “I don’t have a connection strategy…??”
  • “I get referrals!”
  • “I hope all of my clients stay on with me.”
  • “I don’t have any clients, but I’ve built my brand and I’m just waiting for them to find me.”
  • “I hope my hashtags are perfect and sell me!”
  • “I know my reels are going to go viral and sales will roll in.”
  • “If the algorithm wouldn’t hate me I would make more sales.”

I probably “shouldn’t” in a free masterclass, but I’m literally going to answer so many of these problems with solutions that are truly simple to utilize.

Are you in?

Here’s my note to ya:

Yes, there will be a replay, but the replay means that you don’t get the free stuff (a 27 page guide teaching you how to transform your pretty social into a profiting social + 5 questions to ask your ideal client in the next few weeks to move your connection along!)

You’ll want it, trust me.

WAIT! We know each other already, right??

Just in case we don’t…

HEY! I’m Ashleigh, the Social Media Coach that teaches powerful women how to connect with other powerful women to make power moves in the online biz space. 

I’ve been in marketing and sales for a decade now and can’t wait to dish all the freaking deets to you about social media strategy, simplistic sales strategies, connective collaborations, and inventive (revolutionary) strategies that enhance your ability to feel good AF in your business while selling OUT. 

You might have to create a new offer just to continue to expand your reach and impact (that’s what our team is doing now…you’re a part of this expansion…thank YOU for being here!) 

Here’s a little peek at my resume:

And now here I am, dishing all the details for you because YOUR wins are my wins.

Disclaimer: Your level of success in attaining the results from any of the Byashleighhenry services, products, and information depends on, but is not limited to, the time you devote to the program(s) and courses, ideas and techniques used. This does not take into account your own offer-suite, industry, niche, preexisting knowledge, team support, skills, or network. What’s represented on this page (and website) from the Byashleighhenry team and its advertisers/sponsors are estimates only of what you may be able to possibly earn when the strategies are applied and the support is utilized. Please note that we BELIEVE in your abilities, we fully believe in our strategies, products, and services, but claiming absolute and total success is not an action our team will ever claim since every human and every business is different. We are not saying you can or cannot reach these heights of results as discussed above, but promising in absolutes is not a mark of our brand.